There is a document I am uploading that is titled ECE 502 – Child Care Quality Assignment, that has a layout created for how the paper should flow. I am also attaching 4 other documents as well to support.
For this assignment, you will be using the INFANT/TODDLER ENVIRONMENT RATING SCALE (ITERS; it is listed as one of the required course textbooks) to assess the quality of an infant/toddler program based on at least 6 hours of observations. The assessment scale is available in some libraries and child care programs (it is a very popular tool), so if you do not have the tool, please make sure to borrow one at the beginning of the course.
This assignment consists of the child care quality assessment and a reflection. The paper should include:
A brief introduction of the classroom/program that you observed. Most assessment items focus on one specific infant/toddler classroom, but there are a few items about the overall program facility.
Your general impression of the ITERS assessment. Does it cover significant child care quality indicators? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the scale as a child care quality assessment?
Calculate the program’s average rating points on each of the subscales of ITERS, and discuss your impression of the program’s quality. Please make sure to provide the average scores for each subscale, and supplement with specific details (e.g., the program achieve a high average rating on one of the subscales, then you would need to give some descriptive information on why the program achieved a high rating in this area). What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
Based on the assessment results, please provide your recommendations for program improvement in the areas where the program received lower ratings.
The paper should be no less than 4 pages; double-spaced; 12-point font, and 1-inch margins all around.
The scoring sheet needs to be include at the end of the paper as an appendix.
Basically the paper has two main elements: (1) reflection on the assessment tool itself; and (2) reflection on the quality of the program that you observed based on your ITERS ratings, and make recommendations for the program.

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