Creation of charts figures and graphs that could be used in
a capstone project. A histogram will need to be created for a change variable.
As well as a chart or graph with the distribution of age and gender based on
post survey results. Charts figures and graphs highlighting two different
survey results. This will use fake data and we’ll just provide an example of
things that could be included within the final project.
Below is the Data analysis plan and the charts and graphs will need to align with this.
total post survey scores from the traditional
classroom minus the total scores from the flipped classroom to achieve this
change variable. After the change variable is created, I will place that on my
variables list in my code book. This is going to be the only variable that I
will use to assess for normality. The normality test that I will run will be on
the change variable and the change variable only. To assess for normality, I
will first create a histogram to assess whether the distribution of the total
scores follows a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. A normal curve should not be
too peaked or too flat and have more values around the center and fewer in the
two tails. I will also be doing skewness and kurtosis. I will be using a value
between negative 1.0 and 1.0 as an indicative of normal distribution. If I find
that my data is normally distributed, I will be using a paired T test. I chose
a pair of T test because a paired T test determines the distinction between the
two means of the same subject since, I am using the same students but in two different
experiences the paired T- test is a great fit. If my data does not meet the
assumptions of normality. The Wilcox-Signed racks test Will be used. Wilcox
signed ranks test is the nonparametric equivalent of the paired T test.
It will also be looking at the level of significance.
The level of significance Is determination made by myself. I will be looking at
the statistical tests to determine if the results are not explainable by chance
alone. I will look at the P value for the paired T test to evaluate the
difference between the means for the traditional versus the flipped classroom to
determine if it is significant. I will use that criterion of equal to or less
than .05 to determine statistical significance.
Descriptive statistics will be computed for each
section in the questionnaire. frequency tables will present the percentage and
frequencies for each question.
Counts and percentages will be used to describe gender
which is nominal/ categorical variable. Age is a ratio level continuous
variable and will analyzed with mean, standard deviation, median and range.

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