Fairly open ended assignment. The objective is just to take some elements from hip-hop, which has plenty of scholarly sources, and apply them to the broader social context in the US or around the world. I’m going to link a few sources from the course just to give you an idea of what we have…
Going to send a link to the policy bill below just copy and paste it into the chat https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1727?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22lynching%5C%22%22%2C%22%5C%22lynching%5C%22%22%5D%7D&s=3&r=1 I also uploaded the assigment with my part 2 i did of the bill so you can get a better understanding before starting my assigment.
Assignment 3 Assignment- Critical Review of literature- What makes a successful social work Organisation? (40%) Students will write a 3000-word critical review on what makes a successful social work organisation. Examples from the UAE should be used. To get a good mark, you must engage in extensive reading and investigation. Areas to be considered in…
IMAGINE Paper (Module 8) 30% of final grade Using the work completed in the Discussion Board Assignments in Modules 4-6, students will write a paper that describes the IMAGINE process for their organization. Length: IMPORTANT: PAPERS SHOULD BE NO MORE THAN 6-8 PAGES. YOU MUST NOT EXCEED 8 PAGES. PLEASE BE CONCISE – THERE ARE…
You are to respone to TOW (2) of my classmate discussion post, witch I have upload as a file . Responses should be 130 words for each classmate, it should also be thoughtful and fully respond to the question. You should state why you might agree or disagree with their post and offer suggestions on…
ONLY USE THE BOOK great majority of this course is devoted to learning counseling theories and techniques. In each chapter in your textbook you will review major theorists and certain approaches/information related to counseling. Techniques will be included as well as a case study that can serve as an example of the practice of the…
LOGIN INFORMATION IS ATTAHCED PLACE PART 1 and PART 2 IN SEPERATE FILES. Part 1: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy List your thoughts [3-5] about this approach to therapy, then describe each thought from your point of view as a positive or a negative. Next, explain your reasoning for decision. Transactional Analysis Discuss 3-5 strokes [ways that…
Each student will pick an area of interest/topic covered in class or in your readings or outside class content. The student will then discuss the topic and provide an overview of the problem/issue and its characteristics. When available provide statistical data on the topic. Explore what services are available for this population; are there any…
You will complete a 3 page paper to accompany your genogram. You will describe key concepts represented symbolically in your genogram. 3) Using a biopsychosocial lens you will explore the key impacts on your family: family norms and rituals, the strength of relationships (close, distant, conflictual) between family members, relationship status (married, common-law, divorced), blending…
Politics and policy are interrelated, as the ability to effect a broad social change is often through the halls of government. Many key policies you studied in this course and use in practice are the result of a long political journey. Social work and politics may seem to exist in different worlds, but one can…