Category: Psychology

  • This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Before beginning this assignment, each group should submit a filled-in copy of the CLC Agreement Form. Each CLC team will design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression.…

  • Please choose TWO of the following four prompts and respond to them. Each response should be about 600 words, so 1200 words in total. Please be as concise and specific as possible and cite experimental work where appropriate. Memories across the lifespan and factors that influence content (respond to all three parts below): What are…

  • In this assignment you have a chance to discover some things about your own personality. You will complete several personality tests. Each test is relatively short and should not take you more than 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You will complete five required tests and as many of the optional test as you would…

  • Below is the rubric for the assignment as well as a link to the article that I would like you to summarize and review. Description: During each of the four modules, students are required to obtain an Internet article to summarize and critique. Articles topics must be related to the study guides for the…

  • The focus of this paper is on the research methods that you chose to implement but there are other key components required, such as: a clear, well–‐defined, empirical research question, conceptual variables, operational definitions, sampling and recruitment procedures, selection of appropriate instruments and measurement, etc. This project is a shortened version of an actual research…

  • learning Activity

    To prepare for this activity, please review The plagiarism spectrum: Instructor insights into the 10 types of plagiarism (Links to an external site.) . Part of scientific research includes conveying knowledge (about theory, research, etc.) to others in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism (review the Plagiarism Guide (Links to an external site.) for more). This…

  • Use the DSM5 and talk specifically about the diagnostic criteria for your chosen disorder. 8-12 page paper include in-text citations and references formatted according to APA style. APA style: to an external site.

  • Psychology Assignment.

    NO SOURCES NEEEDED. Instructions for use of articles From the list of articles you need to choose one article each class. Read the article Answer the questions under the section YOU DECIDE but do some additional research and support your answers with evidence from two research studies Provide an answer for the ACTIVITIES section. Discuss…

  • Write a 5-7 page literature review on any topic in autobiographical memory research. This would consist of an introduction to whatever topic you’d like to review followed by an overview of the research and theory pertaining to that topic, and then some kind of conclusion about the current state of the evidence and a recommendation…

  • PSYCH 336 EC

    I will upload the file with the videos to watch and a file with the directions there are a total of four vidoes to watch that have a question at the end of the video, out of the four videos pcik two questions to answer and write a detailed paragrapgh with the answer to the…