Category: Political Science

  • CAPSTONE PRESENTATION I WILL PROVIDE MY FULL PAPER IN A DAY SO YOU HAVE MORE INFO -Provide an overview of the entire paper (research question, thesis, theory, methods, evidence, findings, implications for democratic decay). – Topic: Does abuse of executive power into election processes lead to lower voter turnout in Mexico Talk About : Operationalization…

  • State Powers

    Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the week 1 lesson or book. Clear reference to all of the following: Bill of Rights, United States Constitution, and State constitution Instructions 1. Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the…

  • essay

    Directions Make sure to demonstrate your knowledge of the course material. Make sure you use the essay prompt as a lens through which you will demonstrate your knowledge of the course content. This essay does not require any additional research. No outside source. The professor uses Turn It. It will mark language that is plagiarized…

  • Write an argumentative essay with reference to the statement below. Essay should be typed (double- spaced) and 8-10 pages in length (12 maximum). Please number the pages, use a 12-point font, and underline or italicize the cases. Also, if you quote from an opinion, indicate the page from which you are quoting (parenthetical cites are…

  • How does Martin Luther King, Jr. draw upon the arguments of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas–concerning the relationship of human law to justice and to eternal and natural law–and the examples of Socrates, the ancient Hebrews Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and early Christians–to justify resistance to laws that mandate racial segregation? Relatedly, how does…

  • Pol sci

    Poli Sci 71A Spring 2022 MIDTERM EXAM Answer one of the questions from each group below. That is, you must answer a total of two questions and you may only select one question from each group. Your answer must be between 3 and 4 pages long PER question for a total of 6-8 pages. You…

  • Political scientist Larry Sabato has proposed a new constitutional convention (Links to an external site.). Select any one of his proposed ideas and write a short list of pros and cons for this idea and support your reasoning. Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory…

  • Instructions: 1. Answered all the four prompts above. Sufficient evidence for both sides of the issue. Contained description, explanation, evaluation, prescription. DO not put too many opinions as it will lower the grade. 2. Information is grouped together by topic. Paper flows logically 3. Solid grammar, spelling, punctuation, transitions, writer’s opinion in conclusion only. 4.…

  • China Threat

    China’s rise relative to the United States has been presented as a security threat. This creates a preventive motivation. Is China a problem, why /why not? What should the U.S. strategy be as China becomes increasingly powerful? What are the risks of action and inaction?

  • The conventional wisdom is that US follows a grand strategy of deep engagement. Describe what you see as its strengths and weaknesses vis a vis major competitors Russia and/or China (take your pick or use both). Although Isolationism and Primacy have their adherents, the major grand strategy competitor is Offshore Balancing. Under an offshore balancing…