Category: Philosophy

  • Term Paper

    Length Requirement: paper should be at least 1400 words long (not including heading, bibliography, etc.) and should not exceed 1900 words, double-spaced with a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman). Paper Assignment: Write an essay that adequately addresses each of the questions asked or demands made for the following topic. You should give equal attention…

  • complete an 8-page paper detailing a philosophical issue Ethics in sports Confidentiality and Disclosure: Benevolence vs patient autonomy -Benevolence: a principal duty that a physician should have towards their patient. They aim to do good towards their patient -benevolence is utilitarian/ consequentialist– im going to do whatever I have to do in order to…

  • Persuasive Paper

    Hi- I have a paper I wrote that was an Explanatory Essay. There are sources there. I will attach that paper, it would be easy to use those sources and arguments that were already stated! I also have somewhat of a thesis & 2 supports, missing 1 support (need 3 supports for my thesis and…

  • Your Free Style Musing On Indigenous Epistemology, Eco-Cosmic Philosophy, Ecological Complexity Philosophy, Quantum Philosophy, And Cosmo-Scientific Philosophy. It Should Be (Ethical) Problem-Solving Oriented. Relate At Least To Two Session Contents Which Are Deloria, “Thinking In Time And Space”, : Aluli Meyer, “Holographic Epistemology”, Berry, “Earth As Sacred Community”, Ophuls, Physics And Swimme And Tucker, Journey…

  • I need to write a 500 word (minimum) reader-response essay that focuses on “My” experience with the questions below. My experience with the philosophers are from being raised in Christian faith home. Please focus on the two philosophers Plato and Rawls and there works that have made a positive impact/influence on me, how it has…

  • The essay has to be written in an expository or argumentative style. Has to compare the philosophy about spiritual and/or religion, and metaphysics between the philosophers William James, Charles Sanders Pierce, and John Dewey. Showing their pragmatist approach to the topics, and having 1-2 pages explaining how these beliefs are tied to psychology.

  • Answer one of the following questions in a 2500 to 3000 word-long essay (10% tolerance): Present a review of the concept of virtue in political philosophy. What various roles has it played throughout the political tradition, and what role do you think it plays, or should play, in modern Western societies? Present and compare the…

  • PHIL 3210: Latin American and Caribbean Philosophy Final Essay This assignment should be no longer than 6 pages, use twelve point font, and one inch margins. All citations should be from the readings we have covered in class, and there should be no more than four direct citations in the body of the paper (parenthetical…

  • Kantian Ethics

    Kantian Ethics recognizes that there are two imperatives which serve different purposes. Describe what hypothetical imperatives are. Describe the Categorical Imperative, which includes the Humans as Ends Imperative (HEI) and the Universal Law formulation (UL). Explain why, on Kantian Ethics, the Categorical Imperative is about how morality works while hypothetical imperatives are not. I am…

  • Philosophy

    Directions “The paper should make some sort of argument. It could be an argument for a view you like, or it could be an argument against a view you don’t like. Or it could be an argument that a certain view should be understood a certain way, or it depends on another view, or…Really, there…