Category: Other

  • Genetics

    The term project should be 4 pages double spaced 12-pt font of a standard style The term project should be 4 pages double spaced 12-pt font of a standard style The term project should be 4 pages double spaced 12-pt font of a standard style (ex: Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica). Four references should be…

  • Engage in outside research and find a court case that you think has made the most profound impact in regards to the exclusionary rule. Discuss the importance of the case, it’s bearing on the exclusionary rule, and how the Court’s decision has impacted cases that have come after the ruling. Be sure to include in…

  • The Final Project will analyze and report statistical findings on a dataset. Students will ask a research question about their dataset, and answer that question using statistics. My topic is on smoking and tobacco use. I attempted to complete Part one of the final project. However, she gave me a 26/50. I will include all…

  • *** RESOURCES*** You will now demonstrate leadership skills and approaches that seek to improve the capacity of an organization. For this assignment, assume the role of an organizational leader (Feel free to use the same one identified in Week 1) who is preparing a presentation for their executive leadership team members. Think about…

  • Assignment

    After learning the effects that drugs and alcohol have on individuals, families, and society, we end the semester learning about prevention and treatment. As we have explored, prevention dollar spending pales in comparison to treatment and interdiction. Much research is still needed about how to prevent substance use disorder. After reading the information in the…

  • Write a short paper, 4-5 pages long (double-spaced), on the following topic: Format: 1″ margins, type font size 12, Times New Roman As a future teacher, what does multicultural education mean to you? Why is the knowledge that you have gained in the class important ?

  • that this is the last year of my PhD and I want to make sure that we are able to complete the dissertation within the next year. I will be working on it as well and providing resources but I just require someone to help me with the writing and assist with some of the…

  • This is a film survey class where we watch movies and write about them. we did a close reading assignment which is “a careful, sustained interpretation of an entire film achieved by focusing closely on small parts of it”. The movie I chose was “The Graduate”. It was graded based on these criteria: 1. Your…

  • An overview of the population (e.g., what are the characteristics of someone in this age group/risk classification/disease group, etc.) The indications and contraindications to exercise (and why) An overview of how you would train this individual (and why) Future implications of training this population Use this link to get to the submission site for the…

  • Multiple choice questions

    Q1: Which of the following 4 terms includes the other 3 (choose ONE only) a. Operational Excellence (OpEx) b. Six Sigma (6σ) c. Continuous Improvement (CI) d. Lean Production System (Lean Thinking) Reason: Q2: Which approach is always superior (choose ONE only) a. Waste Reduction b. Waste Management c. Waste Disposal d. Waste Elimination Reason:…