Category: Other

  • Ethical Dilemma

    Read the article titled A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions. Review the Ethical Dilemma Prompt for four short ethical dilemma cases. Go back to the article and choose a theory: consequentialist, non- consequentialist, or agent-centered. Next, pick a term used in ethical judgments (described in the article) and one of the three frameworks (also described…

  • Course name: New media and business Final Paper Instructions – New Media, Section NET, Spring 2022 As we proceed further into the term, we see more and more that businesses and institutions use multiple modalities of social media (including search engine marketing) to reach a wide audience. For this assignment, you have been hired by…

  • biology summative

    Students will interpret and analyze current immune system games on the market and then develop an idea for their own board game that they will create a video pitch for. They will not have to create an actual game, rather create an idea for a game in order to show their understanding of how the…

  • The question of the topic is – Critically explain how international society influences the way in which countries and other international actors manage global risks. Questions to consider – How did international society come about? What are the pillars of international society? Addressing these questions will enable you to understand how international society was created…

  • course name: designing data infographic You can also see instructions in the upload file, I choose option 2 Option 2 – Infographic Essay : Topic/Sources: Research and write a 400- to 500-word essay where you analyze 1 to 2 infographics on one of the following topics: (1) #ArabSpring(, (2) #BlackLivesMatter(, (3) #MeToo( or (4) #OccupyWallStreet(…

  • The most important is SPSS data coding as I do need to submit it with my papers Effects of Music on Psychophysiological Responses can be measured, predicted, and applied. reseach project – experiment spss IV1) Music: classical vs rock IV 2) Pitch: high vs low Repeated measures ANOVA 10:45 Hello, my name is Rita. I…

  • Just Eat TakeAway related to CSR The Writing theme of this unit concerns Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Just Eat Take Away The topic CSR connects the units Law, Financial Analysis and Professional Writing. For the unit Financial Analysis, you will give investment advice to a persona at the end of the module. This investment…

  • Choose an article related to any aspect of science. It can be a news article or a research article. The article should be of interest to you. For 100 points, write a 2 page summary of the subject. You should summarize the article and also include why it is interests you. Make sure to give…

  • The assignment is a final semester assignment for my Organizational behavior course. I need a professional writer who articulates the assignment and rubric required for the work. I might need to give the articles used for this assignment. The idea is for the writer to propose a change in my current organization that could be…

  • Masters Thesis

    Change the estimated price to one that suits your time. Comments are listed on the side of the disseration on what needs to be changed from the original paper I have wroked on. This needs to rewritten or edited. add appendix , add wht is required for a masters dissertation needed. Must all be in…