Category: Law

  • proposed memo to parents

    For this assignment, imagine that you are a high school administrator, and there has been an increase in student gossip. Students are accusing each other of carrying items in their backpacks that are against school policy. The hearsay rumors are spreading rapidly, and you want to increase random school searches of backpacks, lockers, and cell…

  • White Collar Crime

    The Case is, U.S V. Kenneth Wayne Brown; Leah Michele Brown. Submit a 3 page paper about your case study that includes the following: 1) a definition of the crime; 2) a summary of the incident (what happened?); 3) information about the defendant(s) and victim(s); 4) criminal punishment, if any and 5) any changes in…

  • Unit II Writing Assignment

    Write a summary of the Commerce Clause and its effect on business activity, discussing the evolution of the Commerce Clause after reading excerpts from the cases: Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824), Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942), Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States, 379 U.S. 241 (1964), and United States…

  • Respond to one of these prompts: 1) Had you heard about the “McDonald’s hot coffee” lawsuit before this class? If so, what did you know about it? If you hadn’t heard about it, what if anything surprised you about the video about the case? Why do you think people were so compelled by the misinformation…

  • Hi there, My Facebook page has been hacked and Facebook informed me to prepare the following document for them. and I did, I just need my document will be fully Legal, polite, and professional and It will be taken to court and notarized. I will attach my document later when I find the suitable writer…

  • domestice violence

    Chapter 11: Compare and contrast the argument for removing a child from his or her home with the arguments for leaving the child in the home and working with the parents. Chapter 12 What are unique challenges presented by crimes against the mentally or physically disabled? Chapter 13: Describe the various theories on the causes…

  • My Facebook Page Got hacked

    Hi there, My Facebook page has been hacked and Facebook informed me to prepare the following document for them. and I did, I just need my document will be fully Legal, polite, and professional and It will be taken to court and notarized. I will attach my document later when I find the suitable writer…

  • Criminal Law of Evidence Exam

    This is a short answer/ paragraph exam on criminal evidence. The questions are provided in the word document uploaded. This exam is based on one book which I can provide, it is a website that you need my login informtion for. The website is for the book, email: password: mommy724. There is only…

  • Briefing a Case

    In litigation, lawyers need to rely on case law to support the outcome they are asking the court take. Lawyers will often “brief” a case to obtain a better understanding of the case. In other words, lawyers will use a specific format to outline the most important points in a court’s decision

  • Construction Law

    INSTRUCTIONS Introduction. Write a one-page introduction that separately introduces the function and legal nature of (1) prime and (2) subcontract agreements from a general contractor’s perspective. The content in this section must be informed by material covered in course lectures, the main text, sample contracts provided by the instructor (attached to this assignment), and outside…