Revise the paper, find any mistakes and correct them. |IMPORTANT!!!| – make it seem like a college freshman wrote it not a professional. you may add some transitional phrases or words or create new but similar thesis and adjust the conclusion also. keep the main ideas the same but you can adjust them in other…
follow the specific intrstion in the link provided that is titled Annotated Bibliography Assignment – Part 1. This is the link to the book-
In Essay #3, you are going to write an argumentative essay about some aspect of the year 2021. You will learn how to come up with a subtopic to focus upon. You will learn the difference between primary and secondary sources. You will learn how to use the TSU Library’s databases in order to find…
Required Paragraph Outline Essay #1 You will be using Love Minus Eighty as your source text for this paper. This is a comparison/contrast essay, and your topic is: · You will choose three characters from this story and compare the following: 1. How does this character face injustice? In what way? How do they respond…
Annotated Works Cited list including all of the sources. 1. Write the correct citation information for required secondary sources in MLA format. 2. Write a detailed paragraph analysis of how you intend to “converse with” the source in your essay. In other words, does this source help you to support a point, oppose an idea…
Objective: Due to online shopping and changes in marketing strategies we are asked more and more to review products and services. It is always useful to be able to offer a measured, logical, and honest response to any request for a review. Film reviews are a fun way to explore how to write a review…
nstructions for the Literary Analysis Essay (English 1302 Online) Literary Analysis In this essay you should combine your practice responding and analyzing short stories with support derived from research. So far, in the discussion boards, we have practiced primarily formal analysis. Now I want you to practice “joining the conversation.” In this essay you will…
Project Three Overview For this project, you’ll focus on the same discourse community you selected in Project 2, and the guiding question builds on the work you did in that project: “How do I adapt my writing for this and other communities?” You’ll answer that question in two ways: You will create a sample of…
Research paper – define gothic horror and apply to Poe’s story and another story/other authors story (Expanding on Poe’s involvement of gothic Horror in literature and connecting to it to a horror film that follows similar styles of Poe writing; alternatively comparing Poe’s works with Stephen kings works)
This paper is due 4/24. The main difference between this paper and our previous short paper is you can choose any topic and any 2+ articles you would like. Feel free to go back and re-use any articles we have utilized so far(for our mini-arguments) this term and write a BRAND NEW paper or find…