Answer these three questions based on the text provided. 1. ±What is abstract in this speech? What is concrete? What can you touch and experience and what is concept, idea or emotion? Is this speech formal or informal? Who is the character addressing — other people on stage or the audience? 2. ±Do you see…
For our last activity, you are going to read one of the five plays posted here, and develop a Director’s Concept. This task can be seen as quite daunting, but truly, it is up to the imagination of the director. It can be straightforward or it can be whimsical. It should include research of the…
Briefing: Writing this logbook should be a reflective analysis of the processes and your own directing project you have undertaken. Guidelines: Each student will submit 2 pages (double-spaced, 12 size font) self-assessment of their progress so far over the semester. The self-assessment should: Address which project, reading, method, class conversation or process most excited them…
Read STOP KISS (provided) Answer each section in narrative form Follow the outline (provided) No citations needed You will need to create a plot/graph (example provided) this is superrrr simple! This is an analysis and is subjective… have fun with it while still answering the prompts! There is a “visual” description needed for prompt 9.…
Indent each new paragraph just like this one. Your essay should be typed, double-spaced and use 12 point Times New Roman font just like the example you’re reading right now. Number your pages just I have. The production review should between five sides long. Use spell check and good grammar throughout. Your essay needs emailed…
To successfully complete this option, you are to see a Professional, Community, College or High School live or recorded production (play, musical, opera or dance). You must submit a two-page, double spaced, written critique (about 500 words) of the production and its values. Do not just summarize the production.
Description: A paper that analytically critiques a pre-recorded live, professional or college level, theatrical production ( ** NOTE** – I went to a live production called ‘FISSION’ @ Owens community college, the production was about 40 mins and was beyond confusing so if you could just come up with an hypothetical one would be great)…
Please use this book only… there are pdf versions on the web. If you have problems please let me know. I need information only from the book from this period. I want it to be a real report where I have about 4-6 key points on this period and tell mainly facts. I will present…