I have written 5 peoms that I need reworked. Here are the guidelines: students should view each poem as an individual work and evaluate language, the connection of subject matter to form, rhythm, line length, concept, and creative approach. Although the poems as a group may address aspects of the same subject, each should function…
Week 14 Discussion Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/JNaOrPxx5hE Please post a single-character monologue of about 250 words. Don’t give us any other information except the monologue itself. When responding to classmates: Discuss whether or not the monologue seems natural. Discuss whether you can suss out the larger story from the monologue? What is it? and…
For your final research paper, you will unite many of the core tenets of this course to highlight the applications and importance of critical thinking. You can approach this assignment by looking at conspiracy theories, moral panics, denialism, or one of the other less critical modes of thinking we’ve examined this semester. This essay should…
we’ve explored the process by which Africans became African Americans and how they experienced freedom and oppression throughout this process. We began with the slave trade in the 16th century and ended in the aftermath of the American Civil War and the emancipation of the enslaved in the American South. In a 500 word essay,…