Category: Communications and Media

  • Choose ONE media company/conglomerates (PLEASE USE FACEBOOK), discuss its developments and expansion all over the world. Discuss how specific global infrastructures and institutions facilitate its expansion. (tips: what is neoliberalism) Please write down your chosen question at the beginning of the essay. Academic written style, referencing style, academic resources, etc. Theoretical literature, case studies, establish…

  • Overview You will select one of your short papers and expand it into a full rhetorical criticism paper. Assignment Purpose 1. Skill building: You will practice analyzing rhetorical texts using rhetorical methods and concepts, practice researching, and practice advanced writing. 2. Assessment: You will demonstrate your ability to analyze rhetorical texts, your research skills, and…

  • Four case studies are required for this order: Week 5, Week 6, Week 7 and Week 8 (one for each week). Please follow the Case Study instruction to complete the order. And separate the Four case studies with a title in One word document. Case Study instruction: Your journal should comment on the significance of…

  • Three case studies are required for this order: Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4 (one for each week). Please follow the Case Study instruction to complete the order. And separate the three case studies with a title in 1 word document. Case Study instruction: Your journal should comment on the significance of key trends…

  • 1. Select a company whose CSR efforts you admire most. Provide an overview of the company, the CSR initiative including how the initiative got its start and the current status of the CSR initiative. Include an overview and focus on the promotion of the CSR initiative. Remember, a great CSR initiative is only as good…

  • Please use headings to separate your answer to the two parts. Part 1: Think of a specific space you occupy on a regular basis. This could be your dorm room, the library, a classroom, an outdoor space that has some form of arrangement, etc. With that specific space in mind, use Knapp’s six perceptual characteristics…

  • Research begins and ends the process as the process not only allows you to understand what the problem or opportunity is, but research also helps you adjust and manage the campaign’s implementation. In this discussion, please provide an example of a communications campaign (either an opportunity or problem) and discuss the type of research you’d…

  • Pick a topic listed below and answer the guiding questions that accompany them as best you can in no less than 1500 but no more than about 2000 words (that will translate to about 4-5 pages, double-spaced, at 12-point font; if you find yourself going beyond that approximate limit, check in with me). You will…

  • Write an 800+ words essay in APA format and use at least 3 soruces. Write an essay about the importance of team work and collaboration, then explain how the following challenges impact the ability to achieve a common task due to the following issues: 1. Lack of communication 2. Lack of leadership 3. Lack of…

  • TOPIC: Use the social cognitive theory to connect how people in california are gravitating to driving tesla’s VISUAL: Flier, poster, or Magazine cover you can choose which one you would like to do. More details below. (Part 3) The writing portion need to be only 5 pages. Part 1: Theoretical and Conceptual Background Introduction to…