Category: Biology

  • Paper Topic: Coastal Wetlands in the U. S.: Current Status and Trends The pape should include discussion of the following: 1. Distribution of coastal wetlands 2. Importance of coastal wetlands 3. Functions of coastal wetlands 4. Human activities affecting coastal wetlands 5. Coastal wetlands loss (with special focus on Louisiana wetlands) 6. Factors contributing to…

  • you may write about a certain disease, In this paper, you will gather and interpret scientific information from a variety of sources and use that information to discuss scientific issues in a current topic in biology. Paper Length: 3- 4.5 pages (For papers either shorter than 3 pages or over 4.5 pages in length, 5…

  • Read the 2 articles on science communication and answer the following questions: How much (e.g., 20%) of the “A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems” article did you understand? (1 point) In Table 1, the authors present a comparison between two science communication models, the “deficit model” and the “public engagement…

  • Theme: Digestive anatomy. Tell us some basics about the digestive system of horses. Be sure to include at least one of the following: What type of diet/digestive tract does Horse have? What aspects of their anatomy reflect their dietary needs (i.e. teeth type, if any, length of digestive tract, speed for hunting, agility for climbing/scavenging,…

  • Biological molecules

    all living things are composed of 4 kinds of biological molecules; these molecules are combined to make organelles,cell,tissues,organs and orgainsms, instructions, you will create a 6- slidepoint presentation in this manner; slide 1 title ,your name,2 one slide each on proteins,nucleic acide,carbohydratess,and lipids., one biological molecule per side 4 in total,

  • i need to write an SOP for admission to Southern Illinois University Carbondale below is the professor i want to work with 1 and half pages of SOP will work i have attached my SOP for microbiology for your reference : also you can incldue that i have knowldege in Microbiology and use some writing…

  • Shigellosis

    These are the pain points. No plagiarism please. The background of the paper and relevant information. Is the analysis descriptive of hypothesis testing? The types of data (WGS, epidemiological, phenotypic etc) and the methods they used to analyze them. Focus on the main figures and tables and comment on the appropriateness of their methods. You…

  • please answer from my PPT No refernce is required. Essay should include: *500 words essay 1. Introduction: Define, Outline (Overall messages & key points to cover). 2. Main body: key point, evidence, critical analyse, relate back to question (3 points / paragraphs, diagrams, subheadings). 3. Conclusion: summarize (Summarize what you have talked about in the…

  • please answer from my PPT No refernce is required. Essay should include: *500 words essay 1. Introduction: Define, Outline (Overall messages & key points to cover). 2. Main body: key point, evidence, critical analyse, relate back to question (3 points / paragraphs, diagrams, subheadings). 3. Conclusion: summarize (Summarize what you have talked about in the…

  • you will write a short paper about the human uses of algae-derived products. List an example of algae for each category and a short description about its use from the worksheet provided. Then write a short paper about the human uses of algae-derived products from the information available and the examples that you have used…