Question 1: Genes and the Garden Pea (25 points) Describe the experimental protocols of Gregor Mendel, the results of his experiments and what these results implied about the nature of genes. Include in your answer:
a. a description of Garden Pea flower structure, natural pollination, and the mechanism Mendel used to cross Garden Peas
b. a definition of each of the following terms: genotype and phenotype; dominant, recessive, and co-dominant; homozygous and heterozygous; segregation and recombination
c. the results of (1) crossing a heterozygous, red-flowered plant with a homozygous, white-flowered plant and the results of (2) crossing two heterozygous, red-flowered plants and (3) how Mendel’s crosses provided evidence for the principles of segregation and recombination
Question 2: From DNA to Adaptations (25 points) Describe how genes control cell structure and function, how genes mutate, how genes are transmitted to future generations, and how natural selection acts on variety in populations to create adaptations. Include in your answer:
a. briefly describe the DNA’s essential role of providing instructions for the production of proteins that form molecular structures and enzymes that control metabolic pathways
b. a description of the various forms of mutation that can occur that can change genotype and phenotype
c. how allele frequencies change in populations (Hardy-Weinberg theory)–that is, how do species evolve?
d. definitions of aptation, adaptation and exaptation using Mohavea and Dalechampia
Question 3: Molds and Slime Molds (25 points) Describe the problematic, historical grouping of organisms as members of the kingdom Fungi using Dictyostelium and Physarum (Amoebozoa), Allomyces (Blastocladiomycota) and Rhizopus (Zygomycota). Include in your answer: a. the contrasting structures, stages and life cycles of each b. the characteristics which define their relationships within the tree of life
Question 4: Fungi: Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes (25 points) Describe the two major phyla within the kingdom Fungi: Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Include in your answer: a. the differences in anatomy and life cycles of the two groups b. symbiotic relationships within the fungi c. the importance of fungi and the nature of decay d. fungal toxins and hallucinogens
References Immediately following the essay, two lines below the last line of your essay, list all sources used in writing your essay to answer the question. Do not use in-text citations and do not use footnotes. Simply list your sources in this “References” section. You must have a References section with at least five references which you have used in preparing your answers. If you do not include a References section, you will lose 10 points (2 points for each missing source).
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