complete an 8-page paper detailing a
philosophical issue Ethics in sports
Confidentiality and Disclosure:
Benevolence vs patient autonomy
-Benevolence: a principal duty that a physician should have towards their patient. They aim to do good towards their patient
-benevolence is utilitarian/ consequentialist– im going to do whatever I have to do in order to make my patient better, even if it’s against their will. The doctor is trying to do what is most good
Patient autonomy: the patient has the right to determine their own treatment. Deontology says we can’t violate a patients autonomy for the sake of good consequences. Autonomy: self governing
-autonomy can be denied when they are under a mental condition, a drug addict in with drawel, or not found confidently self governing
These ethics applied to sports medicine:
-sports physicians have a duty to the team that hired them, not the individual
-information disclosed to the doctor, does it have to be disclosed to the team? The coaches? This raises confidentiality issues
-espn talks about people’s medical states in public formats, this is a violation to their privacy
-should it be the case that a physician can tell a player who is properly informed that they can’t play (concussion)? Can their autonomy be over ridden?
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