The teacher said, “Gather your impressions about your director’s stylistic approach, thematic and/or narrative concerns, place in film history and genres, and what makes her/him/them unique. What makes this person recognized as an “auteur” director? When
you feel confident in your own response to the films, WRITE! You are aiming for a 3-4 page research and analysis paper,
revolving around what you found to be your most interesting discovery about this director. Be sure to rely on your
observations of the films themselves to support your claims and use your research only in support of your own points. You
are NOT regurgitating a biography of your director!! Instead, pick one or two things you found most interesting from your
research and from your screening of the films and revolve your discussion around that. Be sure to CITE ALL OF YOUR
SOURCES.” Can be any film from the director I picked which is Quentin Tarantino. Thank you.
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