It will be helpful to find definitions of Cubism, Surrealism, and primitivism before you read the text by Eduardo Mosquera. These will be some of the terms and styles he will be discussing. Make sure to also have done the homework on modernism (or look up art definitions for the term).
•Read: Gerardo Mosquera, text on Wifredo Lam (word document is posted in Blackboard, in Module 11).
•After reading Mosquera’s text, go to the discussion board and:
1.-Find in the internet a work by Wifredo Lam that catches your attention. Make sure the artwork is not discussed in Mosquera’s text.
2.-Discuss in the first paragraph if you agree with Mosquera’s claims about Lam’s work de-Europeanizing modernism and how he accomplishes this (or not, if you disagree). How is Lam “de-Europeanizing modernism” in your words and opinion?
3.-In the second paragraph, do a short formal analysis of the art work by Wifredo Lam that you chose to support your argument (make sure it is NOT discussed in Mosquera’s text). What visual aspects of this work support your point of view about what Lam is doing (de-Europeanizing modernism).
– After posting, always read another person’s post to engage with their ideas and provide feedback. This is part of the grade too.
If you find Mosquera’s text difficult, I agree. I would suggest then to read the smarthistory essay on Lam first, then come back to Mosquera. It will become easier to read.
Make sure to build an argument that is personal.
Your response should not be a summary of Mosquera’s text (or any other).
The response to a peer matters, try to include time to develop a short feedback response to another peer’s discussion; how does it differ from your own? or even if you “agree” with what is said, what can you add or illuminate, or perhaps ask to your peer?
Max. 1 page long (600 words). Minimum two paragraphs with 6 sentences each to develop your argument and analysis of the artwork you selected.
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