This week is probably the heaviest week of the semester writing wise (in terms of the amount of writing you will do). Your Writing Project #3 Analytical Research Paper DRAFT is due this week. Now, some of you are probably already cruising on this thing (concept wise) and have been thinking about it since you were researching the Annotated Bibliography, for those that aren’t that far along, don’t worry. While this draft is the “hardest” assignment of the semester, I take that into account when I am giving feedback on the drafts. I am mainly looking for the correct shape/structure, the key elements, did you attempt to use quotations, are you trying to connect evidence and claims. I’m not looking for perfection, but I am looking for you to read the course materials and sample papers and use those as a form/structure to follow.
The biggest thing I’d like you to focus on trying to get on the page is your claims and evidence. Making sure that you are claiming something and providing evidence to back that claim up. This is the foundation of this assignment. If you find that you are only stating information (in feedback I call this an info drop) without really pushing a claim, that is something to be aware of. In the end, the biggest thing this week is writing all the pages and having a solid foundation to work with going forward. Please read the sample papers I’ve included. These are crucial for understanding how this assignment shoud look and read!
I’ve also included course materials on the writing of the body paragraphs of your paper. These include topic sentences, transitions, signal phrases (for using quotes), and the roles of sentences in your body paragraphs. Please read these materials!
These are the following tasks you need to complete for Week 13 (OUR CLASSROOM). I have included directions on where to find each assignment this week. Remember: all of these items need to be completed and submitted before Monday night at midnight.
Reading Due:

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