According to Max Weber, explain the role of Asceticism for early (1600’s) Protestant immigrants to the US. By the late 1900’s, which aspects of asceticism had played a role in the development of capitalism, and what did Weber mean by the iron cage?
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You want to explain the evolution of capitalism through the influence of the Protestant ideology. How is capitalism different today compared to the economic involvement of Protestant immigrants? Key concepts you want to focus on are asceticism and the iron cage. Explain the differences of the budding of capitalism in the 1600s to the 1900s, and connect how religion has influenced economic values and beliefs. Your introduction can be a brief summary of these differences and similarities. You can use an example of how capitalism today entraps consumers in debt by the use of credit cards, or you can talk about the importance of profits over human life.
The Protestants believed more in individualism than collectiveness, in the sense that it was an individual’s duty to find their purpose and serve God by working and little room for play. How do these values or “spirit” relate to today? Another key term to mention in your paper is the “calling”.
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