
The essay should be at least 7-10 pages in its main text,
“exclusive” of:
(1) the “improved and refined” version of Abstract (w/ title)
at the beginning, and
(2) the Bibliography at the end.
on the font:
You should use the standard: double-spaced with font of 12
points in normal letter size.
on Abstract:
As far as the Abstract at the beginning is concerned, it should
contain the following 3 statements:
1. nature of issue or question you’re addressing
2. your “conclusion” as an answer to the issue
3. your reasons, that is, “premises” for your conclusion
You are “strongly recommended” (not required) to add to this
beginning page for the Abstract what has been referred to as
“R & E” throughout the course:
Given that the above conclusion and the premises should
constitute a full-blown “argument,” you may certainly try to
lay it out in a linear or hierarchical “Reconstruction” (and
even “Evaluation”), as was studied in Part 4. Ethical
Reasoning & Argumentation. This enriched additional feature
of Abstract will earn you higher points than otherwise.
2:20 AM
those are just some of the instructions please give me a second to upload the rest
2:25 AM
The topic will be on abortion but i just need a few moments to upload the specific references for you to use please stand by with me on this one i really need this paper
3:43 AM
Abortion is an ethical dilemma that is truly complicated when it comes to justifying the act as a whole. It’s one of those topics in which both sides of ethical standards (Kantian and Utilitarian) have strong perspectives as to why the topic is a dilemma in the first place. When the word comes to mind, many more questions follow with the discussion in what may seem to be a never-ending paradox. But in order to come up with one in the first place, we must understand both sides of the controversy and what makes it so hard to conclude. While one can argue it’s an act nobody would ever want to have to commit, many find trouble answering.
3:45 AM
2) sources : Derivative Deprivation and the Wrong of Abortion – Stratton‐Lake …https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bioe.12842.

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