Due Date: May 4, 2022, 4:00 PM (upload a copy to CANVAS)
Topic: Read and CAREFULLY review the claims and/or arguments contained in Nicholas Dixon’s “On Winning and Athletic Superiority” (Textbook, pp. 135-151) and then write a critical response stressing both the strengths and weaknesses of the article’s ultimate goal and philosophical message. For grading purposes, refer to the rubric provided in the course syllabus.
General Instructions:
Your paper must be 4-page long (5-6-page long for PL majors and minors), typed (12 font size, Times New Roman preferred), and double-spaced (except for block quotation which must be indented and single-spaced). Your paper must contain:
an introduction presenting the specific main points to be developed, and suggesting the conclusion(s) to be reached;
a body of the paper containing a critical examination (that is, discussing both the strengths and weaknesses of the positions advocated or refuted) of the topic;
a conclusion summing up the main points developed in the body of the paper and suggesting any points which could be developed further;
a list of, at least, three additional references (books and/or papers discussed or not discussed in class), which you used to support your positive and/or negative critique of Dixon’s ideas. No web-page references will be admitted. Only online journals are acceptable!
Include either footnotes or endnotes wherever necessary. For all questions about the paper presentation, refer to Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996. APA Citation Format preferred.
Note: Your paper must consist of a discussion, NOT A DESCRIPTION, of Dixon’s position.

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