Using what you learned from the chapters “The Oil Cartel’s Stranglehold,” and “British Plans for the Occupation of Abadan,” please write a post of AT LEAST 500 words on the topic below. Your post MUST properly cite any information used (quotes and/or paraphrasing) from the two chapters. The bibliographic information for the book is below. Your post is due no later than 11:59pm via Cougar Courses on Tuesday, May 3rd.
States have frequently used multinational corporations as a tool of foreign policy. For this case study please use what you learned from the chapters “The Oil Cartel’s Stranglehold,” and “British Plans for the Occupation of Abadan,” to accomplish BOTH of the following tasks:
1) Describe how the British government worked with international oil companies (“the international oil cartel”) to try to stop the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) by Prime Minister Mohamed Mossadeq’s government in Iran; and
2) Please use specific evidence from the two chapters to explain what motivated BOTH the British government AND the international oil cartel to stop the Iranian government’s nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC).
The two chapters for this case study are from the book listed below. Please use the information below for your paper’s bibliography/work cited page
Mostafa Elm. Oil, Power, and Principle: Iran’s Oil Nationalization and Its Aftermath. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1992.
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