Explore Karl Marx’s opinions on Estranged Labor. The paper should not merely be exegetical; it should be thesis-driven. You will need to provide an exegesis of relevant material but only insofar as it is necessary to develop and argue your thesis. In short, your paper should develop an argument; it should neither merely summarize a text nor simply provide an “opinion” about it. You should do some deeper empirical investigation into some current, real-world situations or issues and analyze them according to the framework developed by Karl Marx.
Your paper should have at least one source outside of Karl Marx’s “Estranged Labor”. Please include a work cited page and follow MLA citation format. A successful paper should be around 4 – 6 pages (give or take).
The three primary requirements for this assignment are simply:
Engage in Karl Marx’s “estranged labor” (but do not confine yourself solely – take at least one step beyond it, even if it means reading another text by your chosen author).
Provide a thesis-driven and focused argument.
Ground your argument firmly in the text and provide a close textual analysis of your chosen author’s ideas.

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