2) Exam Conditions should cover did you take the exam and under what circumstances, (Pretend I/you did :), wasn’t strict that it be scheduled)
3) Areas of Strength should include identifying your areas of strength and any insights you may have had regarding those areas of strength. (I have listed the sections and subsections of what the exam entails. My strengths are for sure in 1 & 4. Discuss building more competence and strength in sections 2 & 3)…. How can you ensure you do not lose the knowledge you learned and keep those areas of strength just that/
1. Human Growth & Development
Concepts of Abuse & Neglect
Diversity, Social/Economic Justice, and Opression
2.Assessment and Intervention Planning
Biopsychosocial History and Collateral Data
Assessment methods and techniques
Intervention Plannings
3. Intervention With Clients/ Client Systems
Intervention Processes and techniques For Use Across Systems
Intervention Processes and techniques for use with Larger Systems
4. Professional Values and Ethical Issues
Professional Development and Use of Self
4) Opportunities for Additional Study should include identifying the areas where you need further study and how you plan to go about improving in those areas-hint —use your prior assignment of the study plan to add these details if needed–(ITS ATTACHED!!)
5) Conclusion-should include your plan on moving forward to taking your actual exam, fears, anxieties, and final thoughts. Also, any feedback you may have for me to improve this seminar course .
No references are required, unless references need to be cited.
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