Can you write an essay about anylising the letter A in Scarlet letter., please. For example” A “could mean Adultury, or A could mean angel, or A could stand for. In addition to that. Why was Hester Prinne (or could have been) a good person a part from commiting a sin? She has own his respect because doing good things in a society by how? (Make an example from a book). By doing good thing to people (such as sewing, and helping for the poor – example from a book). Was she a good person because a part from physical and mental suffering she did not give up her love one. What else should you say about her personality – (being good)
(So I have to prove in my essay that a part from commiting one singe mistake in your life, you still can be a good person). The other issue is the embroided “A”- . How would anyone interpret A. Any interpretitio could be good. Somehow melt this two idea together please.
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