the essay is supposed to compare and contract two stories — one from each Gospel. This essay compares the entirety of each Gospel, which is too broad. Which chapter or chapters of Luke and which of John are you comparing and contrasting? The instructions are to write about something that was assigned, and you were only assigned certain sections of each Gospel. Also, “heart transformation” is not a phrase that means “change of heart,” if that’s what you mean; there are other sections difficult to understand, and the introductory paragraph needs to focus on which chapters you are comparing and what literary elements; it is a list of statements that do no focus on the specific subject or a thesis. There is no arguable thesis here, just broad topics that no one would disagree with (such as that God and Christ work in unity). Also, try to drain out all of your religion; this is an English paper, so your religious perspective is not important when comparing two stories from two Gospels via literary elements: plot, characters, dialogue, etc.. It’s the same as if you were comparing and contrasting two short stories by other authors.
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