he final paper should be an entire journal manuscript, in APA Style. In the paper, you will need:
A Title Page, properly formatted in APA style. You do NOT need to include an Author’s Note
An Abstract, which is a description of your entire paper, with a length between 150 and 250 words. You do not need to include keywords on this page.
On page 3, you put your Title again at the top of the page, and then begin the paper with the paragraphs from the theory paper (the same paragraphs that have started every paper) and literature review, revised if necessary. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. If you relay the thoughts or words of another source, make sure to cite it correctly.
In the literature review section of your paper (i.e., not counting the introduction/first paragraph or the theory paragraph), you should cite to at least SIX peer-reviewed psychology journal articles.
Method. The parts of the Method section submitted previously should be revised in light of my comments. Make sure that the variables you present in the Method section are the same as the ones that you describe in the Results section. Also make sure that you have two manipulated variables in your experiment, and three measured variables.
See these recent Announcements about your databases and results output file: Databases for your Study
Discussion. See the Discussion Section & Validity Reading to help you with what to cover in the Discussion section. In the Final Paper, your Discussion section should have FOUR or FIVE paragraphs (no more than 5, no less than 4). It should have one paragraph about each of the following:
(1) An explanation of your results (using your theory, if applicable), including an assessment of convergent validity.
(2) A description of the limitations of your study (including about external validity)
(3) The implications of your study, and
(4) Directions for future research. In this section, you should describe at least one manipulated variable that could be studied in a future study on your research topic.
References. A References list should be on the last page, in APA Style
To help you with APA Style formatting, please review:
Apa Style & Word Formatting Links
For an example of a full research article formatted in APA Style go here: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/professional-annotated.pdf (Links to an external site.)
There’s also a commented example of a full paper in your textbook, starting on page 525.
The header on the Title Page needs to be different than the header on all the other pages. To do that in Word, see: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Delete-or-change-a-header-or-footer-on-a-single-page-a9b6c963-a3e1-4de1-9142-ca1be1dba7ff (Links to an external site.)
I will upload the methods , and theory for the final paper
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