I have provided the main reading to be used to analyze Pericles
Evaluate one leadership quality of Pericles.
Examples of leadership qualities you might examine include (but are not limited to):
– Decision-making, judgement.
– Communication, persuasion.
– Emotional intelligence.
– Initiative, independent thinking.
– Devotion to ethics.
– Benefit to the leader’s community.
Successful papers will contain detailed knowledge (names, places,
dates) and not merely general, vague knowledge or speculation. Any technical vocabulary or key
terms and concepts will be defined and explained.
Successful papers will engage with ancient history and culture by 1)
referencing and discussing primary sources, and 2) discussing leadership qualities with reference to
historical and cultural context. Emotional intelligent leadership, for example, is likely very different
in 4th century BC Macedonia compared to 6th century AD Constantinople. Primary sources for
purposes of this class are texts, images and material evidence which originate in the period we study
in this course (all readings for this course, for example, are primary sources). Papers which lack
engagement with primary sources and/or cultural context will earn low scores.
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