The final element is the properly APA cited term paper. It should be between five and ten pages in length. The title page, abstract, and references are not included in the page count. The term paper is due by Friday Midnight of the seventh week of class. It will be turned in in the Turn-it-In portal provided.
Sources are listed in the file bibliography attached, you can find information in the lsua library. information is given down below.
LSUA library login
campus id: P000099355
birth year: 1994
An annotated bibliography is a list of articles that have a brief description for each article. ALL ARTICLES MUST BE PEER REVIEWED. Peer reviewed means that they are reviewed and approved prior to being included in the journal. The easiest way to find peer reviewed articles is to go to the LSUA library web page, click on “Databases and Other Recommended Resources”, go to the “Business Administration” section, then “Business Source Complete”, use your campus ID and your birth year to authenticate yourself and you will yourself on Ebscohost.
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