Research Paper on ISS.
Paper is uploaded as Word.doc in exact MLA format (See MLA template on MS Word) Paper has the proper MLA heading in the right order, as well as a clear title written according to MLA guidelines. The Work Cited Page is clearly designated and follows MLA guidelines, listing in alphabetical order with names of authors appearing as the first word. All in-text and WCP references need to be AN EXACT match and according to MLA guidelines. Failure to provide an adequate and correct connection between in-text and parenthetical sources with WCP may result in a zero grade.
Length: Min. 6 pages (not including the MLA Work Cited Page)
Minimum 4 valid, academic and recent sources are required.
The essay MUST CONTAIN EXAMPLES to demonstrate the idea/point. The essay must be unbiased and NOT USING first person such as “I”, “me”, “my”.
The message MUST BE PAGINATED on the top right according to MLA format.
Essay submissions not edited for basic errors (such as mentioned in the syllabus or listed on course doc.) will not be read and will receive a zero. Please see a tutor, have your paper read to you by using the Read Aloud feature on Word, or use Grammarly if you absolutely need to.
The submission must use both qualitative and quantitative sources to support the thesis.
Your paper MUST adhere by the following guidelines.
Research Paper Guidelines.docx
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