Choose two distinct world regions and compare how their places in the global economy and global politics evolved between 1750-1970CE. You should use chapters 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 from our textbook(World in the Making A Global History, Volume Two: Since 1300 by Bonnie G. Smith; Marc Van De Mieroop; Richard von Glahn; Kris Lan) and at least TWO primary sources from chapters 23, 24, 25, 26, or 27 in our sources book (Sources for World in the Making
Volume 2: Since 1300
by Bonnie G. Smith; Marc Van De Mieroop; Richard von Glahn; Kris Lane).
750 words (minimum) in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins, page numbers, heading/title page, and works cited page.
Essay format, with a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.
You must provide evidence to support your ideas and, therefore, each body paragraph of your essay must include direct quotes/paraphrasing cited from ALL of the assigned sources.
You MUST CITE all your work using the style guidelines on Canvas.
Your paper should ONLY reference the readings listed above. If you feel an additional source is absolutely necessary, it must be properly cited.
DO NOT spend time summarizing the sources, I have read them and do not need them explained. Instead, focus exclusively on your own ideas. Be as specific as possible, avoiding generalized statements and vague ideas.
PROOFREAD your work (don’t simply use spell check).
Please consider going to University of the Pacific’s Writing Center for help with your thesis, outline, rough and final drafts.
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