Final Paper

Final Paper
Discuss the history or genesis of the social problem and why social work should be concerned about this issue, why it poses ethical dilemmas for social workers and the moral societal values underlying the topic – from the perspectives of general society, the profession, religion, the agency, and your own personal values.
Present a case in which the social worker is in conflict with a family, agency, colleagues, group, or community over this ethical dilemma. Describe the specific conflict situation.
Present the ethical dilemma in one or two sentences.
Identify any value conflicts that may be present in the ethical dilemma.
Identify ethical principles and prima facie duties as they pertain to the ethical dilemma.
Utilizing either the Ethical Justification Model of Beauchamp & Childress or Mattison’s Model apply the model to your case. Begin with the background information.
Identify possible courses of action and the benefits/costs and possible outcomes of each.
Make the decision/resolution and explain how you prioritized and why you arrived at that decision.
Discuss how your personal values entered into the decision-making process.
Here are some suggested articles for your research:
Gostin L.O., Vanchieri C, & Pope A. (2007). Ethical Considerations for Research Involving Prisoners.
(Links to an external site.)
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations for Protection of Prisoners Involved in Research.
Gillespie, D. (1995). Ethical issues in research
(Links to an external site.)
. Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.), v.1. NASW Press. 884-892.
Martin, J.I. (2000). Methodological and ethical issues in research on lesbians and gay men
(Links to an external site.)
. Social Work Research, 24 (1), 51-59.
French, S. & Depoy, E. (2000). Multiculturalism and Disability: A critical perspective
(Links to an external site.)
. Disability & Society, 15(2), 207-218.
Callahan, J. (1994). The ethics of assisted suicide
(Links to an external site.)
. Health & Social Work, 19(4), 237-244.
Eisenberg, al. (2005, April 4). Lessons of the Schiavo battle
(Links to an external site.)
. Time, 165(14), 22-30.
Wesley, C. (1996). Social work and end-of-life decisions: Self-determination and the common good
(Links to an external site.)
. Health and Social Work, 21(2), 115-121.
Faye, A, Antle, B. & Regehr, C. (2002). Social work with clients contemplating suicide: Complexity and ambiguity in the clinical, ethical, and legal considerations
(Links to an external site.)
. Clinical Social Work, 30(3), 265-280.
Koenig, T. L., Rinfrette, E. S., & Lutz, W. A. (2006, September). Female caregivers’ reflections on ethical decision-making: The intersection of domestic violence and elder care. Clinical Social Work Journal, 34(3), 361-372.

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