Attached is the artical for the review
Submit a 1- page minimum typed (normal margins, no larger than 12pt. font/1.5 spacing) summary. In your summary you must include all the following components and section titles to receive full credit:
1.Full bibliography for the paper in APA format.
2.Brief background of the author/authors: This is where you would type up the background for the authors. What is their job? What university or organization do they represent? Do they have any other relevant research on this topic? You are validating their work!
3.Goal of Study: What were the author(s) trying to achieve and why? What were their expected outcomes?
4.Description of methods- How did they try to achieve their goals? What methods did they use? What did they test? Where did they test it? How did they test it? What data was collected?
5.Description of outcome: What were the results of the study? Why did this happen?
6.Significance of outcome: What are the implications of the results? What does it all mean? Why is it important? How can this information be applied in the world or to other research? What suggestions do the author/authors make for future research or management? This is the most important part!

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