(1) Understanding (defining terms);
(2) Judgment (identifying the point that needs to be defended);
(3) Reasoning (using logic to support the position held).
You should include at least two relevant quotations from your textbook, “The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy” (8th Edition), and use a footnote to cite each one, according to The Chicago Manual of Style.
The essay:
(a) Explain carefully what Kierkegaard meant by the Aesthetic, Ethical and Religious Stage.
(b) Now consider the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32).
How does the prodigal son’s life illustrate each of the three stages?
(c) Explain how Augustine’s ideas (e.g. our restless heart, disordered loves, and dual citizenship) can help us to understand what Kierkegaard is saying.
(d) Using Kierkegaard and Augustine as guides, when, and how, do we achieve our full potential as human beings?

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