write a focused two-paragraph
reflection answering the following question
How do these stories apply to the most urgent things going on in our lives and in the society
in which we all live those lives and why these stories in particular?
The basic idea here is to tell me what you got out of this class. In particular, what did you get out
of the stories? How do they relate to your experience and why is that meaningful to you? How
are these stories relevant to you and why are the lessons, recognitions, experiences you took
away from these stories personally significant? Devote one paragraph to the how and one
paragraph to the why.
By making connections among texts that may at first seem unrelated but, on further examination,
address similar themes, ideas, or problems, this short reflection should give you the opportunity to
reflect on the semester and think about what some of these stories have revealed to you about
our culture and our lives

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