Insights Association Code of Ethics: Transparency, Notice and Choice Researchers must: 1. Promptly identify themselves to data subjects so that the participants can easily verify researcher identity and credentials. 2. Clearly state the general purpose of the research as soon as methodologically possible. 3. Ensure that participation is voluntary and based on accurate information about the general purpose and nature of the research. MARKETING RESEARCH INSIGHT 8.4 Ethical Consideration 4. Respect the right of data subjects to refuse requests to participate in research. 5. Respect the right of those already engaged in research to terminate their participation or refuse requests for additional or other forms of research participation. 6. Upon request, permit data subjects to access, correct or update any Personally identifiable information (PII) held about them. QUESTION FLOW Question flow pertains to the sequencing of questions or blocks of questions, including
Burns, Alvin C.; Veeck, Ann F.. Marketing Research (2-downloads) (p. 212). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
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