
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge, comprehension, and application of material written, listened to and/or viewed in the LEARN Module. It is the first step in the process of engaging the material and excavating it for meaning as it relates to your everyday life and to the lives of others in the world. The purpose is to get you thinking deeper about meaning and context and the impact of what’s being learned and to support you in articulating your discoveries in your own words so that you can engage in effective dialogue with others.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course / in school / in this field / in professional life beyond school:
Show comprehension of multi-media material by summarizing content in own words.
Dissect reading, visual and auditory material for their main points and illustrate knowledge of their supporting points and key terms.
Assess material using the principles of media literacy and demonstrate knowledge of those principles through their written application.
Formulate a personal perspective on the material based on comprehension of material combined with personal experience and former knowledge.
Articulate knowledge and personal perspective in your own words to make it relevant to your lived experience.
Generate deeper interest and expanded awareness into the topic through inquiry, reflection, and engagement with others.
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
Truth and Reconciliation
You will complete the Multi-media report on one reading or video of your choice from the LEARN Module in this Unit. Each 1- to 2-page multi-media report will be typed (12-point) and single spaced with the following format:
Your name, the date the report is due, the author and title of the reading or film, all on no more than 2 lines.
A brief summary paragraph describing in your own words the overall subject and main point(s) of the reading or video you have selected.
Two paragraphs describing at least 2 of the main points from the reading or video in more detail. Each paragraph should be dedicated to one of these main points.
A short paragraph presenting your thoughts on the reading or video. This should be your authentic perspective and viewpoint of the content, and not a regurgitation of what it’s about. (Questions to trigger ideas: How does this impact your life? In what ways have you seen these themes show up in the lives of your family, friends and loved ones? How do you see these themes play out on a national, or global, level?) Share your authentic opinion in your own words.
A question for class discussion. Remember to include your question! It is worth 4 of your 20 points and will be discussed in class. This should be a genuine, thoughtful question to raise during class discussion. Do not put it in “Yes/No” format, but in formats that generate dialogue such as “How,” “Why,” “In what ways,” etc.
The multi-media report should be mainly written in your own words. If you quote from the reading, be sure to use quotation marks.
Click Submit Assignment in the upper right to choose the upload type for your assignment. Then click Submit Assignment to complete the submission.
Submit your assignment PRIOR to our Synchronous (live Zoom) class.
Submission Format
You may submit your assignment using one of the two following submission formats:
Please submit your assignment by uploading a Microsoft Word Document or a PDF file.
Please type your assignment directly into Canvas using the online text option.
Criteria for Success
This assignment is worth 20 points and is a part of your PERFORM module assignments which constitute 30% of your overall grade. Below are specific criteria for completing Excellent, Adequate, or Insufficient work.
Excellent Work
Clearly follows heading rules, page length, and formatting guidelines.
Provides in depth overview of the reading/video and identifies main points.
2 Key points from the reading/video are described in detail, one paragraph each. Paragraphs are in-depth and give supporting details.
Thoroughly explains student’s personal thoughts and opinions, learning and insight based on the reading, personal experience, and viewpoints.
Includes thoughtful question to raise during class discussion. Not in “Yes/No” format, but in formats that generate dialogue such as “How,” “Why,” “In what ways,” etc.
Adequate Work
Follows most heading rules, page length, and formatting guidelines.
Gives clear overview of the reading/video and identifies main points.
2 Key points from the reading/video are described, one paragraph each. Paragraphs are concise with very little supporting detail.
Provides an example of student’s personal thoughts and opinions, learning and insight based on the reading, personal experience, and viewpoints.
Includes question to raise during class discussion. Not in “Yes/No” format, but in formats that generate dialogue such as “How,” “Why,” “In what ways,” etc.
Insufficient Work
Does not follow heading rules, page length, and formatting guidelines. Elements are missing, length is too short, it is confusing or unclear which multi-media content is being assessed.
Gives no overview of the reading/video or does not clearly identify main points.
1 or both of the key points from the reading/video are missing or everything is combined in one paragraph or a couple of sentences.
Student’s personal thoughts and opinions are missing or they just regurgitate what the film or reading states without any personal insight.
Question is missing or in “Yes/No” format.

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