Half Of a page for assignment one
And for assignment to also I have a page and I will send out right now
I use reading responses to assess two particular things: a)that you have read the required text and b) pulled some sort of intellectual thought or idea from it through constructive critiquing. This allows you to have a reference point for projects since all readings will correlate with specific projects.
5 – Excellent (Proper MLA citation; excellent thought and development; follows directions; minimal grammatical errors)
4 – Good (Proper MLA citation; good thought and development; follows directions; minimal grammatical issues )
3- Average (Improper MLA citation; average thought and development; follows directions; moderate grammatical issues)
2- Below Average (Improper MLA citation; confusing thought and development; directional issues; needs more work/details)
0/1 – (Lacked effort; improper MLA citation; no effort; plagiarism; under the required length)
For this assignment, please respond to the following:
Read “Understanding Discourse Communities”
Answer the following based on the readings:
What is your favorite movie genre?
What are conventions of your favorite movie genres?
How do you determine that a movie is good in your favorite movie genre?
How do you determine that a movie is bad in your favorite movie genre?
Each response should be at least a sentence length and provide specific detail.
I have sent assignment one and assignment two in total put together they should both be one page so you can do one assignment on one page and one assignment on another page and just make them both half pages
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