You are asked to produce a short research report (1500 words) on one of the research topics from the five detailed below (class; gender; education; crime; ‘race’ & ethnicity). Your research report will need to have tried to answer your research question(s) using two different research methods (interviews; focus groups; document analysis; observation)
B. Gender.
Society shapes our understandings and perception of differences between masculinity (what society deems appropriate behaviour for a “man”) and femininity (what society deems appropriate behaviour for a “woman”). Sociologist are interested how people define gender and how this influences identity and social practices. We can look in particular at the power relationships that follow from the established gender order in society, as well as how this changes over time.
del Mar García-Calvente, M., Hidalgo-Ruzzante, N., del Río-Lozano, M., Marcos-Marcos, J., Martínez-Morante, E., Maroto-Navarro, G., Mateo-Rodríguez, I. and Gil-García, E. (2012), Exhausted women, tough men: a qualitative study on gender differences in health, vulnerability and coping with illness in Spain. Sociology of Health & Illness, 34: 911–926
Gerstel, N. (2000) The Third Shift: Gender and Care Work Outside the Home. Qualitative Sociology 23(4): 467-483.
Report Structure:
Your report will need to cover the following (irrespective of the two methods you apply to your questions):
1- A title which indicates/describes what the report is about. Be specific! It can be in question form, but doesn’t have to be. Approximately between 5 and 15 words
2- You will need to state the research topic, explain why it is an important issue, and offer a brief literature review of the topic (offering a review of 2-4 articles) approx 250 words
3- You will need to identify your research questions and explain how your research questions will be answered by your research. This will include an explanation of your key concepts of interest and how you define them. approx 50 words
4- You will discuss the ethical issues in relation to your project. approx 100 words
5- You will need to outline your research strategy. This will explain why you have chosen to apply the two methods that you do from the list of; interviews, focus groups, ethnography/participant observation or documentary research? approx 125 words
6- You will also need to discuss the issue of access to respondents, and issues around sampling, as well as your role in the research process.approx 125 words
7- You will then write up your findings in detail, and use your findings to answer your research question. approx 750 words
8- You will conclude with a short section on how the research process could have been improved. For instance, explaining what was good about the methods you applied and what was not so good about the methods applied. approx 100 words
9- You will place supporting evidence of your research in your appendix (which does not go towards your word count). In the appendix, you should put your topic guide for your interviews/focus groups. You should provide your fieldnotes for observation and your coding frame for document analysis. You need to provide your interview transcripts here also (if relevant).
Important: You are expected to draw on and refer to the methodological literature from the reading list
Total word length: 1,500 words (Going above or below this word count by 150 words is acceptable).
PLEASE NOTE: Your appendix and your bibliography will not count towards your word count.
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