Essay Question: What important developments in the 1970s shaped the politics of the following decades?
Directions: Effectively develope a thesis statement/main argument that answers the essay question in the first paragrah and the following paragraphs should have the evidence to support the thesis statement.
Evidence can only come from the following sources (no outside sources):
*make sure to only focus on the documents for each book i have listed out below*
“The Rise of Conservatism in America, 1945-2000” by Ronald Story and Bruce Laurie

#18. Lewis F. Powell Jr., Confidential Memorandum: Attack on American Free Enterprise System, Agust 23, 1971
#22. Nathan Glazer, From Addirmative Discrimination, 1975
#24. Phyllis Schlafly, Interview with the Washington Star, January 18, 1976
#30. George Gilder, From Wealth and Poverty, 1981
#31. Ronald Reagan, Speech to the National Association of Evangelicals, March 1983
“The American Women’s Movement, 1945-2000” by Nancy MacLean
#28. Letter from a Battered Wife, ca. 1976
#29. Dirdre SIlverman, Sexual Harassment Begins with Hiring Procedures, 1976
#30. Combahee River Collective, A Black Feminist Statement, 1977
*Evidence can also come from the document attached below.*

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