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Please answer the following question.
For some of these questions please do some additional research!
How many people are employed at MCS?
How much of the total MCS Health care expenses goes only for the pharmaceuticals?
How big was the increase of Actavis for their medication?
What is Actavis for?
Why are pharmaceutical so expensive in the US?
Why can’t the government negotiate prices?
How many lobbyists are in Washington lobbying for the pharmaceuticals?
What does a “free market” mean in the market for the pharmaceuticals?
How much money did a family used to spend annually for prescription drugs in 2001? In 2016?
What is the cost of Insulin (Lantus) in France? In U.K.? In U.S.?
How much does an inhaler cost in France? And in the US?
What happens as a result of people not being able to afford asthma inhaler?
How much did MSC pay for a family health insurance? What will be the new, increased premium? How big of an increase is that?
How much will the cost per employee per hour have to go up just because of the increase in the insurance?
What is US annual spending on national defense? How about on Pharmaceuticals?
What is the number one reason for medical bankruptcy?
What are the annual costs of cancer drugs?
How much commission do doctors get for providing infusion medication for cancer treatment?
Why are doctors interested in higher drug prices related to cancer treatment?
Why are hospitals putting in cancer centers?
What are specialty drugs? What has happened to these drugs over time?
What is Sovaldi? How much does it cost?
What is Gilead’s manufacturing cost? What is the US list price?
What is the price of Sovaldi pill in India?
What was Gilead’s net profit?
Are there any market forces that will bring down drug prices?
What is market failure?
What is the only way to control drug prices?
What is in-process research?
How much money did top 10 pharma companies spend annually on sales and marketing?
How much did Valeant Pharmaceuticals increase prices between 2013 – 2015 for Glumetza, Isuprel, Syprine, Cuprimine?
By how much did Turing increase the price of Daraprim?
What is a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)? What is their primary role? What are they actually doing?
Why are insurance companies not concerned with this high drug prices?
How much money goes in rebates to health insurances from the pharmaceuticals?
How much are American businesses paying for Health Insurance?
What is the typical reason offered for why the Pharma companies need to charge so much for their drugs?
How big are the returns/profits from the big Pharma companies?
Who pays for the medical research and development (R&D)? Be very specific.
What is the share of US Government spending of basic biomedical research? What is the share by pharma?
How long does a monopoly patent last?
What are Pharmaceuticals “innovating” these days? Are they creating new drugs?
What is the drug price inflation?
What are the only two countries in the world that allow commercials for drugs?
What is a formulary? How could a formulary be used in order to reduce the price of drugs?
How much money do lobbyist spend on the behalf of pharma?
What is Medical Prescription Drug Plan passed in 2003? Be specific?
Who is Billy Tauzin?
What are some benefits of ACA? What are some problems or shortcomings with ACA that are mentioned in this documentary
*Please watch the second video called “Big Pharma” where I have also included the picture within the PDF*
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