Students are to write a 3-4 page decision paper that meets the following four criteria:
Find a problem: Many times in case analysis, the problem(s) is/are hidden in the narrative of the case. In very few instances, does the case state: “the problem is ….” One of the most challenging parts of case analysis is finding a problem. Usually, more than one problem will be present, but limit yourself to finding only one problem. Be sure to relate the problem to health IT.
Consider two alternatives for solving the problem: This part will require some thought. There will likely be a variety of solutions to the problem. Identify two solutions that might alleviate the problem.
Thoroughly analyze your alternative solutions: This will be the central part of your decision paper. Reflecting on your chosen problem, analyze why both of your alternative solutions will resolve the problem. Support your analysis with peer-reviewed research.
The final step of the decision paper is to make a decision: Often managers perform the first three steps adequately, but fail to make a decision. If the analysis of the alternative solutions is thorough and proper, the final decision should be self-evident, but do not forget to let the reader know which of the alternatives you recommend.

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