
The PowerPoint presentation will provide you an opportunity to experience what it is like to sell an idea/project to a team of investors. Your presentation should give a brief summary of your project highlighting the important points of why the panel (your student peers) should agree to fund your project. The presentation should be no more than 20 minutes. The presentation will be evaluated on the professionalism, clarity, and purpose for the project and whether your peers support funding. Use the following format to structure your presentation.
The following is the format you should use:
Slide 1 – Title Page: Includes the name of your project, name of your agency, your name, and date (1 slide)
Description of your agency: services they provide, population served etc. (1-2 slides)
Problem Identification: Identification of agency need for service being recommended/need for change (what is the need/why is it a need) (1-2 slides)
Data collection: What did you utilize to determine the need (i.e. surveys, client feedback, review of program, charts, graphs, costs)? (1-2 slides)
Interventions: What Interventions are being recommended and why? How often will interventions be implemented? What research supports this type of intervention? (cite your reference) (2-3 slides)
What theory, framework, skills were utilized? Please choose at least two theories, frameworks, and/or skills and tell me HOW they connect to your project. (2 slides)
Impact on Agency: How will the agency benefit from your proposed interventions? What partnerships/ collaborations with other agencies will you create? (1-2 slides)
Evaluation: What will you use to evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions (pre/posttests; feeling charts, tools)? (1-2 slides)
What are your anticipated barriers? (1 slide)
Recommendations: What recommendations do you have to improve your project the next time? What things would you do differently? What recommendations do you have to improve services at the agency? (2-3 slides)
Conclusion: Summarize WHY your project is a worthwhile investment (does it save money, is it a faster service, more culturally sensitive etc.) (1-2 slides)
Personal Self Reflection: What did you learn from this exercise? How did you apply the competencies? Please choose at least three competencies. (1-2 slides)
Final Slide – References cited (1 slide)

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