
1. Understand assessment and risk in relation to safeguarding in counselling.
1.1. Explain the use of psychological assessment tools in counselling.
1.2. Evaluate the importance of suicide risk assessment.
I have Handouts, powerpoint, PDFs support materials too.
There is a secon part too… 2. Understand the need to work within an ethical framework.
2.1. Evaluate the need for an ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy.
2.2. Explain the main elements of one recognised ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy.
2.3. Analyse the similarities and differences between their chosen ethical framework and the requirements of at least one other professional body or employing organisation.
2.4. Using examples, analyse potential conflicts between the requirements of organisational and other codes of professional practice and their chosen ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy.
2.5. Summarise how these conflicts could be resolved.
1,500 on part one, and 1,500 on part two. That’s 3,000 totalling two. and referencing seperately!Atf6GLQQeY4_gotYjeLZ4Uou3S42vg?e=xxBasT
Here is a link to my oneDrive where all the course material is,
It’s college not University level, Diploma, there is no fail, just pass or referral, so as long as the question is answered, the words are 1,500/3k for both, and they have enough referencing then that is fine.

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