DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS ASSIGNMENT: Using the library’s online database (choose PsychINFO or PsycARTICLES ONLY), choose and read a NEW psychology article (one you haven’t used in ANY OTHER CLASS) that is empirical (authors conducted their own research), is peer-reviewed, and a minimum of 5 pages, then complete as many of the forms below as you need (one per article you read). Each form you complete is worth two research credits (i.e., 1 alternative assignment = participating in two experiments). Then enter your answers in the gray boxes below.
Your Name:
General Psychology Instructor:
Course # & Section (e.g., PS102 DA2 – VERY IMPORTANT!!! Must have SECTION NUMBER FOR CREDIT)
Journal Information
Journal Name (no abbreviations):
Page numbers:
Accession Number
(this number is found ONLINE when you retrieve your article, at the bottom of the page under the abstract )
Title of article:
Author(s)’ names:
To the best of your ability, what module/chapter of your general psychology textbook deals with this topic and what is the general area of psychology (for example, “Ch. 7, Short Term Memory”).
What is(are) the specific question(s) that the author explored? In other words, what specific issues were raised and examined in the article? (Write 1-2 paragraphs – each paragraph needs to have at LEAST 3 sentences each.)
Briefly describe how the topic was investigated (i.e., describe the methods used to investigate the research question, e.g., “An experiment was conducted in which the researchers showed half the students scary movies and the other comedy movies, then they measured cortisol in saliva samples.”). (Write just 3-4 lines of information).
What were the major conclusions of the study (e.g., what did they find and was it as expected; if unexpected, explain why). Explain where future research should go as a result. (2 paragraphs minimum – again, each paragraph must have at least 3 lines of information)
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