Getting Started
Now that you have developed and chosen your social work problem, it is time for you to begin searching for relevant articles to begin developing your literature review. For your final literature review due in Workshop 6, you will need at least 20 peer-reviewed articles incorporated within your literature review. Did you notice that I said peer-reviewed articles? You are more than welcome to include “some” websites and “some” textbooks in your literature review. However, these websites and textbooks will not count toward your 20-article total. Peer-reviewed articles are directly from journals, as the research in these journals is literally reviewed by multiple scholars in social work and therefore more reliable and valid then information you would get from the internet or other sources.
Since you are working toward your social work degree and you will most likely be focusing on a social work problem, then it would make sense to begin in databases that include social work research articles. Some of the more common social work databases to search for social work-related articles include, Social Service Abstracts, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, PsycINFO, ERIC, PubMed, Ageline, Sociological Abstracts, Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), and Abstracts in Social Gerontology.
These aforementioned databases are usually very broad and include access to many social work journals. Some of the more common social work journals include Child and Family Social Work, Clinical Social Work Journal, International Social Work, Journal of Social Work, Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Social Service Review, Qualitative Social Work, Social Work and Society, Social Work Today, The British Journal of Social Work, The New Social Worker, and Research on Social Work Practice.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
Analyze quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings (PLO 4; ILO 6)
Synthesize information from a variety of sources to purposefully plan and develop a research practice focus (PLO 4; ILO 6)
Assess feedback from consultants to guide professional judgement in research (PLO 4; ILO 6)
Textbook: Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social, and Behavioral Sciences
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Identify and share a list of at least 5 databases that you used to search for your peer-reviewed social work articles;
Identify and share a list of at least 5 social work journals that you used to search for your peer-reviewed social work articles;
Develop and share a detailed list of 8 to 10 steps you took to search for your articles. For example, you can say, “I used keywords that included “drug” and “addiction” to search in the title of articles. Next, I included current research with articles before the year 2010.”
I am need to make sure all these sources are NOT from the website….. They need to from RESEARCH Articles
I am needing you to do this over :
Childhood Trauma leading to Substance Abuse
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