Explain the subject you chose and why it’s worth exploring in the Humanities
Describe each of your selected examples, including 1) information about its creator; 2) its historical or cultural context (how it fits into a historical period’s or a specific culture’s attitudes, events etc. Think about what else was going on in the culture and history when the piece was created); and 3) link to the example or an embedded image with a citation in the paper where you write about each example.
Use at least one specific interpretative tool, concept or method from the course to explain each of your selected examples. You should use a different tool, concept or method for each example, so you should use at least three different tools in your paper.
Assess the effectiveness or impact of each representation. In other words, how well did the representation present the subject? How effective was it? What impact did this representation have? What specific elements of the representation lead you to your conclusions?
Provide a correctly formatted paper, complete and proper citations for any references you consult, using MLA format
I copied and pasted the assignment instructions. This is a 3 part assignment, the first two I will attach for you to go off of. Please let me know if theres any questions. Thank you!

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