Change Managment

A change management process requires leaders use effective communication skills. In the readings are many strategies mentioned to help leaders effectively communicate change. Please share at least two strategies and bring them to life with practical experience, source material and analysis regarding why the strategy is effective.
The strategies:
Inspire & Motivate: Explaining the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind a change initiative can alleviate a lot of uncertainty around the changes to come. By explaining the big picture, employees are aware of the end goal, and can better understand the reasoning behind each step along the way. It is also important for leaders to communicate why the change is going to be beneficial. There is always a reason behind initiating change, and it is usually to improve something. Explaining the purpose of the change and how it will benefit the members of the organization is essential to gaining the buy-in of every individual.
Maintain Open Lines of Communication: While the initial introduction of the plan for change is important, it should be the first of many conversations and discussions. Maintaining an open line of communication is important to answer questions and concerns in a timely manner. It is also important to check in regularly with the team to ensure they have the resources they need to effectively implement the change. Checking in is also a great time to provide additional motivation and remind the team about the ‘why’ behind what they are doing.
Leaders need to be present and available throughout the entire change process, not just in the beginning when change is introduced. Visible and involved leaders help to motivate their teams and make the change process smoother.
Lead by Example: We have discussed the importance of leading by example in other modules, which shows just how invaluable it is within the change process. With change initiatives, employees are usually asked to adapt their behavior or operational methods in some way. Seeing leadership model these desired changes encourages everyone to do the same. To promote change, leaders need to be equipped with all necessary information, and should also be confident and comfortable enough to lead through change, and by example. When leaders approach change with enthusiasm and excitement, their teams are more likely to do the same.
Promote Involvment: Including employees throughout the change process is important to maintaining their buy-in. Finding ways to keep your team involved can be a challenge, but there are easy ways to get started. For example, host seminars or question/answer sessions throughout the process to get feedback and suggestions. Or, celebrate accomplishments and smaller goals you reach along the way to help re-energize and motivate the team. Organizations can also present awards or recognize employees that are successfully embracing, and implementing change. No matter how you do it, keeping your team involved in the change process is essential in its success. (Galbraith, 2018)

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