Submit research paper on 5/3 no later than twelve o’clock midnight. See attached files for more information. Topics can include the following: perceptions of disabilities, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Epilepsy, Intellectual Disabilities (Mental Retardation), Spina Bifida, healthy pregnancy or not (What can go wrong?), inclusion (mainstreaming) versus special education, history of people with disabilities, transition from school to employment, and use the textbook for additional topics. Your research paper must include a running head, title page, and Table of Contents.
Your Table of Contents must have:
Introduction – Introduce your topic.
Literature Review – Discuss what authors think about your topic.
Conclusion – Summarize your paper. You can include your own opinions.
References – List your articles / books / web sites in alphabetical order. Do not include summaries.
Research Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
“A” Work
Comprehensive overview of the topic; Information was accurate and complete; Major points were emphasized; Good details about at least 3 original research studies; Well organized
“B” or ” C” Work
General overview of the topic; Information was accurate but missed some important concepts; Difficult to differentiate between main points and supporting details; Some details about at least 2 original studies
“D” or “F” Work
Inaccurate or minimal information included; Lack of organization or flow; Did not include original research studies
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Writing Skills
“A” Work
Well organized- clear introduction, description of approximately 3 main themes, and strong conclusion. Research supported all statements and APA Style was used. Free of grammatical and spelling errors
“B” or “C” Work
Good organization- included organization, described 3 main themes, conclusion summarized key points. Most statements supported by research. APA style was used. Few spelling and grammatical errors.
“D” or “F” Work
Did not address three main themes. Limited to no research support for statements. Citations not used or inappropriately used. Several spelling and grammatical errors.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
“A” Work
At least 7 scholarly sources were used; All sources were research based; At least 3 original studies included
“B” or “C” Work
At least 7 scholarly sources were used- some were not research based
“D” or “F” Work
Did not include at least 7 scholarly sources; Sources were not research based

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